Sunday, July 25, 2021

SIP-n-Sketch: New Project - Linda Mar surf check


The new project for this month is "Linda Mar surf check". I know we said landscape, but I thought this would be more fun. It's got elements of land, but also surf and beach. Let's say it's a tribute to surfing making to an Olympic sport.

See y'all on Tuesday.


Saturday, July 24, 2021

SIP-n-Sketch: COVID Night Life, One Way


I wrapped up COVID Night Life, One Way. The final process was filling in details and adding more washes to get the colors right. Since I did not finish during our session, I added a short video of the process at the end here. The music might be cut-off due to copyright.

Video here:

Look for the next project coming soon, landscape. 



Friday, July 16, 2021

A new approach

At the Piedmont Art Walk, my daughter and I were approached by an architect who wanted to borrow our paintings for staging her designs at open houses. Since our paintings could be shown to new audiences, we decided why not.

"Black Sea Nettle" on display in the dining room

"Hay Rolls" in the living room