Tuesday, September 29, 2020

SIP-n-Sketch: Favorite Local Business in-progress, 9/29/2020

Hello SIP-n-Sketchers:

I hope you are enjoying sketching your favorite local business. Here's my favorite Vietnamese restaurant "Rang Dong" sketch in-progress. 

SIP-n-Sketch sessions are Monday and Friday, from 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm. We try to start at 5:55 so that I can catch up the group on where we left off. Hope to see you there. 

Oh, if you are enjoying these sketch sessions, please donate to Rhythmix Cultural Works so they can continue providing Zoom sessions and recording the videos. Thank you! 


Monday, September 21, 2020

SIP-n-Sketch: New project for 9/21/20

Hi Sketchers:

For our next project, we will sketch our favorite local business (restaurant, book store, dry cleaner, etc.). The sketch can be an exterior street view, and interior favorite seat that you enjoy, or a specific product or service that this businesses sells.

For my business, I am selecting "Rang Dong", my favorite Vietnamese restaurant that burned recently in the Oakland Chinatown fire. I had enjoyed Rang Dong's delicious food for many years and hope they will return.


Saturday, September 19, 2020

SIP-n-Sketch, finished "San Francisco Belle under red Sun"

Last Friday, we finished "San Francisco Belle under red Sun". Please post your finished work under the Rhythmix webpage on Facebook.

For Monday, please select a favorite local business (restaurant, book store, dry cleaner, etc.) that you would like to sketch. Your sketch can be the exterior street view, or an interior seating area, or a particular product, dish, or service this business sells. 

My local business is "Rang Dong", a Vietnamese restaurant that was on 7th and Webster in Oakland Chinatown. Last week, Rang Dong was burned in a fire that started behind the building. Unfortunately, it is now closed. So, let's sketch our favorite businesses before they burn down.


Monday, September 7, 2020

Remains into PokeyMon Shelf

Mr. PokeyMon, our resident cactus, has gotten so big he doesn't fit on my son's window ledge anymore. Luckily, I had a bunch of scrap wood pieces from the container garden to build Mr. PokeyMon a window shelf.

Mr. PokeyMon on window shelf

Ready for epoxy pour-on top
Lots of epoxy bubbles