Saturday, May 22, 2021

SIP-n-Sketch: COVID Night Life, Airfield, In-progress Session 3

For Session 3, we added washes to the night sky to define clouds, added shadows to the clouds to present up-lighting, added washes to the asphalt to delineate old patches, and blocked out the sweeper truck geometry.

One element I forgot was the airfield safety lighting, the red lighting next to the porta-potty. I'll have to catch that this week or in the next session.


Saturday, May 15, 2021

SIP-n-Sketch: COVID Night Life, Airfield In-progress Session 1.2

Hi Sketchers:

So, we started a new sketch in the COVID Night Life series with a scene of the Oakland Airport airfield at night. My first attempt was off because the scale of the main subject took up too much of the composition. In the last session, I scaled back the porta-potty and sweeper truck to allow more of the sky to be in the sketch.

This allows more of the sky to appear in the sketch, which I find attractive. 

See you next time,


Saturday, May 8, 2021

Fog City Java, 5/2021

My Friends at Fog City Java invited me back for a small show at their cafe in Pacifica. I've been exhibiting at Fog City Java for many years now and it's always fun to see people enjoy my artwork after a morning dawn patrol or getting coffee on their drive down Highway 1. If you happen to be in Pacifica and want good coffee or pastry, stop by Fog City Java on Crespi Drive and check out my latest paintings.

Seating is not available yet, but soon...

HMB Hay Bales, SF Belle under Red Sun

Thursday, May 6, 2021

SIP-n-Sketch: New Project, COVID Night Life at OAK

Hi Sketchers:

For the new project, we will continue the COVID Night Life series with a scene of the Oakland Airport airfield at night. The subject is a construction "sweeper" truck behind a porta-potty with city and airfield lights glittering on the horizon.

There was a moon in the scene but it was not in the correct location. So, we will use our artistic license and add a moon where you see fit. Hope you can join us.



Saturday, May 1, 2021

SIP-n-Sketch: COVID Night Life, Crogan's Open for Business, 5/2021


"Crogan's Open for Business", acrylic on paper

Finished COVID Night Life, "Crogan's Open for Business". Look for the next project soon, another view of COVID Night Life from the perspective on essential work.