Wednesday, December 30, 2020

SIP-n-Sketch: SF Cityscape with BB cables, in-progress, 12/2020

Hi Sketchers:

During our last session, I noted that we are meeting once-a-week in 2021, starting on Monday January 4, 2021. Oopsie on my part because we agreed to meet Fridays, not Mondays. So, the first meeting in 2021 is Friday, January 8th, at 6:00 pm. Sorry for the confusion.

SF Cityscape with BB cables, in-progress

Happy New Year all, see you next year!


Monday, December 7, 2020

SIP-n-Sketch: HMB Haystacks framed, 12/2020

After the oopsie with the mat board, I re-cut the opening with a piece of board supporting the edge of the cutting tool. That stabilized the tool and completed a clean cut (thanks Marc). So, I signed the sketch and dropped it into the frame. 

Good luck with framing!