Saturday, January 25, 2020

Bodega Bay farmer, 1/25/2020

Getting out the old tractor for some sowing
Bodega Bay Farmer, mixed media, 1/2020

Pensive hermit, 1/25/2020

Hmmm, that sounds pretty solid for Obstruction of Congress to me...

Pensive hermit, mixed media on paper, 01/2020

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Fantastical Beast, 1/18/2020

Happy Chinese New Year!

This isn't a rat, but a fantastical beast sculpture that I saw at the Asian Art Museum.

For this sketch and other wonderful artworks for sale, please visit the Frank Bette, Secret Art Sale, at the South Shore Center, January 24th and 25th, in Alameda California. More information can be found here:

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Mail box, install 1/2020

Well, it's taken a while with all the busy running around last year, but I finally got to finish the mail box and install today. Here are a few pics from installation.

Here's the old mail box, a little worn from weather and rough mailmen/women.

My assistant helping with shims and plumbness.

Finally, in place and ready for the next round of mail.

For reference, this was my previous post of in-progress construction:
Mail box in construction

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Happy New Year

Starting off the new year with some sketching...