Saturday, April 27, 2019

Dracarys...oops, I meant ZaCHARy's

5/13/19 Update: We are one of the winners of the 2019 Zachary's Pizza Art Poster contest!!!

Here is a poster my daughter and I worked on for the Zachary's Chicago Pizza Art poster contest.

Actually, it is a Jeng Family Project as everybody played some part. Enjoy GOT fans!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Big Lifter, Port of Oakland

The big lifter waiting for the next assignment.
Big Lifter, color pencil & acrylic on recycled wood

Friday, April 12, 2019

Art Jam at Blue Dot

Art Jam will be exhibiting at the Blue Dot Cafe, 4116, 1910 Encinal Avenue, Alameda, California, this month. Art Jam is a collective of local artists who meet every Wednesday night at Rhythmix Cultural Works to hone their craft. Occasionally, the Jammers get out and strut their stuff.

If you are in Alameda, come by the Blue Dot Cafe and view new and local art.

"Big Lifter" - acrylic & color pencil on recycled wood

Setting up, north wall

Setting up, west wall
The little show

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Big wheel keep turning

Airport Connector keeps on rolling, rolling on the BART tracks...

"Big wheel keep turning", color pencil and acrylic on recycled wood

Monday, April 1, 2019

Tulip Hill, 3/30/19

My ex colleagues invited me out for a ride to Tulip Hill over the weekend. By accounts, the tulips were out in full bloom after winter and spring rains. Unfortunately, the cars waiting to get in were also out in full parade, about a mile long. So, we made the best of our ride.

Riding over aqueducts serving the East Bay MUD 

Visiting the "Net-Zero Energy" Ranger Station, designed by me

Ending the trip with Lockeford bacon
The ex-coworkers contemplating Camanche Reservoir